I am quite delighted once again to
re-write/ improvise the examination techniques on data response for Unit 1. As
mentioned in earlier posts, of all the four papers in GCE Edexcel Economics,
this paper is the most predictable, having the most structured/ fixed answers
before-hand and hence should be the easiest to score. Being an educator myself,
I always believe that knowing ‘what is coming out’ before hand is utmost
important as the saying goes:
“Secret operations are
essential in war; upon them the army relies to make its every move”-Sun Tzu Art
of War
Here you go:
Commodities (rice, barley, sugar
cane, soy, beef and veal, timber, oil, aluminium, bauxite, gold, diamonds,
palladium, nickel etc)
1. Demand and supply diagram (6-8
If the question carries as little
as 6m, MOST LIKELY, either the demand or supply curve will shift rather than
both. This has become a popular trend in the recent exams. Please take note of
this. In case if the information provided by the Extracts is ‘hinting both’ and
yet the question is as little as 5m/6m, then you have to use your instinct to
decide which ‘information is stronger’? Demand or supply? To illustrate:
There was a long period of
underinvestment by oil companies
The rapid economic growth of
Brazil, Russia, India and China (BRIC) has led to a rise in the consumption of
Conclusion: DEMAND increases,
SUPPLY constant
In case if the question carries
7m/ 8m, chances are, both curves will shift and usually demand will increase
(due to China etc) and supply will fall (due to natural disaster, restriction
on exports by major producers etc). Diagram alone is about 3m (1 curve shift)
and 4m (both curve shift)
2. Price elasticity of demand (PED) (5m/6m)
The standard procedures are
define/ provide formula, explain the nature of the commodity discussed (usually
inelastic in demand) with sound reasoning and an evaluation
3. Cross elasticity of demand (XED) (7m/8m)
Standard procedures are define/
formula, mention the relationship (substitute with positive XED), how the price
of B affects A and an evaluation
4. Income elasticity of demand (YED) (7m/8m)
Define/ provide formula, define or
explain normal good and inferior good if these two keywords appear, mention
that a normal good must have YED > 0 by quoting reference and usually one
5. Price elasticity of supply (PES) (9m)
Define/ formula, mention that
short run is inelastic and why, explain why in long run it becomes elastic and
may need to provide two evaluations
6. Taxation/ subsidy (12m or 14m)
Define, draw a diagram (up to 4m
depending on details shown), explain how it works/ economic effects and
7. Minimum guaranteed price (MGP) (12m)
Define, diagram (up to 4m),
explain how it works/ economic effects and evaluations
8. Buffer stock scheme (12m or 14m)
Define, draw a diagram (up to 4m),
explain how it works and evaluations
9. Cost-benefit due to the
consumption/ production of commodity (12m or 14m)
Define words like external costs/
benefits/ market failure, provide a cost-benefit diagram (up to 4m), explain
the costs or benefits and evaluation
10. Government failure (10m)
Define government failure, explain
in what way government failure has taken place and evaluations
As for the Market Failure
(education, healthcare, congestion, air pollution, tobacco consumption,
overfishing etc) I will segregate them into two parts:
A Confirmed Questions
1. Define private benefits (PB)/
external benefits (EB)/ private costs (PC)/ external costs (EC) (2m/ 4m)
2. Provide examples for each PB/ EB/
PC/ EC (2m or 4m with some elaborations)
3. Cost-benefit diagram (up to 4m
depending on the details shown)
For review, these are the issues that had appeared in the previous examinations:
- Education and tobacco consumption (January 2009)
- Housing market and rice (June 2009)
- Oil prices and congestion (January 2010)
- Rising food prices and motor vehicle market (June 2010)
- Sugar and national minimum wage (January 2011)
- National Health Service and copper (June 2011)
- Beef prices and housing market (January 2012)
B. Possible issues for June 2012
Congestion (typical standard
1. Calculate the percentage of
increase in number of cars/ license issued (2m)
2. Reasons for increase in the number
of cars (6m for two reasons)
3. XED between private car and public
transport (7m)
Define/ formula for XED,
relationship and sign, how costs of travelling by rail may affect demand for
cars and evaluation
4. YED for car/ bus/ rail (7m)
Define or formula for YED, status
and sign, evidence from extract/ calculation and evaluation
5. Methods to reduce congestion (10m/
Suggest 2/3 depending on marks
e.g. building more roads, motorway tolls, congestion charge, workplace parking
tax, car sharing lanes, fuel tax etc and evaluations
6. Is road pricing justified (10m)
Define/ explain road pricing,
mention that it is justified and evaluations
Education (typical standard
1. Production possibility frontier
(PPF) (7m/8m)
Define PPF, provide a diagram, how
more spending on education can expand PPF and evaluations
2. Methods to increase enrolment of students
into public universities (10m)
Provide any two solutions e.g.
avoid an increase in tuition fees, more flexible payment scheme, no upfront
fees, low interest rate on loans taken, scholarship and grants to poor
students, not required to pay back unless earn certain amount of incomes upon
working etc and evaluations
3. Methods to improve finances for
public universities (10m)
More research grants, allow for
some market force within public universities so they can raise more finances
etc and evaluations
Air pollution (typical standard
1. Calculate percentage of change in
number of airliners/ passengers/ number of cars (2m)
2. Reasons for air pollution (6m for
any two reasons)
3. Methods to reduce air pollution
(10m/ 12m)
Tradable emission permits, green
tax etc and evaluations
Overfishing (typical standard
1. Reasons for overfishing (6m for
two reasons)
2. Methods to overcome overfishing (10m/
Smaller vessels, using fishing
nets with larger holes, enforcement of property rights etc and evaluations
London Olympics 2012 (possible questions)
1. Definition of private benefits/ external benefits/ private costs/ external costs (2/4 m)
2. Example for each of the above (2/4 m)
3. Cost-benefit diagram (3/4 m)
4. YED related to tourism (define YED, explain whether it is normal good or inferior good, make reference and evaluate) (8m)
London Olympics 2012 (possible questions)
1. Definition of private benefits/ external benefits/ private costs/ external costs (2/4 m)
2. Example for each of the above (2/4 m)
3. Cost-benefit diagram (3/4 m)
4. YED related to tourism (define YED, explain whether it is normal good or inferior good, make reference and evaluate) (8m)
In data response for Unit 1, USUALLY:
6m (2m - evaluation)
8m (2m /4m - evaluations where 4m = 2+2. It all depends on the instruction. Best to follow my REDD pillar)
10m (4m - evaluations where 4m = 2+2/ 3+1)
12m (5m - evaluations where 5m = 2+3/ 2+2+1)
14m (6m -evaluations where 6m = 2+2+2/ 3+3)
this is great but how do you even guess this stuff?! how close is this to 100% true?
ReplyDeletethis is really useful. how sure are you that the issues mentioned will come up in the june 2012 exam?