Some interesting findings:
1. 1. Any candidates sitting for GCE
Edexcel Economics Unit 1 can easily PASS the paper by just providing accurate/
sensible definitions, making references and drawing the right diagrams. Let me
provide the evidence here:
Each MCQ has one definition for sure. As many as four MCQs may have
two definitions within the same question and so that is about 12 marks from
Section A. In section B, typically all the five questions (a-e) will have one
definition each and some especially the (d) and (e) may have two and so that
brings us to about 7/8 marks of definitions from Section B. In total this is 20
In section B, candidates can easily gain 1/2 marks for each of the
five questions simply by making references from the Extracts or Figures provided.
On a conservative tone, let just say that this is about 8 marks
In Section A, almost every question can be supported by a diagram
which can come in the form of PPF, PED, XED, YED, PES, minimum price, minimum
wage, cost-benefit etc. Well assume that this contributes to about 8 marks from
four questions. In Section B, in case if you choose the COMMODITY question, it
is almost certain that question (a) is about demand-supply analysis, which
means 3/4 marks. Question (d) and (e) are usually diagram-based and typically
the diagrams weigh as much as 4 marks each. So, in total candidates may gain 12
marks from Section B alone. Both sections can easily contribute 20 marks
Do the maths: 20 marks (definition) + 8 marks (references) + 20
marks (diagrams) = 48/ 80 and this is MORE THAN JUST A PASS!!
2. 2. Another interesting development
in Unit 1 is that since January 2011, there will only be 5 questions, (a) until
(e). The last two questions will always be 14 marks. The interesting fact is
that, those two questions are always seemed to be predictable. It will be any 2
of the 5 topics like minimum price, buffer stock, taxation, subsidy and
cost-benefit analysis. The instruction is nothing but economic effects,
economic effects, economic effects and it goes on and on and the beauty is the
evaluations seem to be stereotype too. You can get all the answers in the Unit
1 Guide which is also written by the Edexcel examiners. So candidates, what are
you waiting for? Go and buff up these 5 topics. There will be no regret
3. In case if candidates have
insufficient time, as always the case, please jump to question (d) and (e). By
providing definitions (market failure, external cost, external benefits etc) and
diagrams for both, you can easily gain 13/14 marks out of the 28 marks. Better
than nothing right?
METHOD as the core strategy in Section A. Edexcel has become increasingly
stringent in dishing out marks and more often than not, to eliminate the wrong
options, it is INSUFFICIENT by just changing a word or two. It must be backed
by SOLID EXPLANATIONS and ELABORATIONS as why those options are wrong rather
than changing the wrong economics term say from, consumers surplus to producer
surplus, PED to XED, XYZ to XYW etc. Eliminations based on ‘no’ and ‘not’ will
not be entertained. They are considered ‘dirt cheap’. For instance:
Option A is wrong since it is NOT producer surplus
Option B is incorrect since it is NOT inelastic
C is wrong since this is NOT about PPF
My advice is, do not use
elimination method unless you have a strong theoretical grounding
3 5. No additional marks will be
awarded for duplications. For instance, in the answer candidates mention area
of consumer surplus is XYZ and again you shade the XYZ area in diagram, then
only 1 mark will be available rather than two
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