What Will Most Likely Appear For
Chapter 1: Basic Economic Ideas
1. Production possibility curve and economic
concepts that can be related to it e.g. growth, unemployment of resources,
opportunity cost, international trade, investment in technology and others
2. Why mixed economy is the most common
economic system or the desirability of mixed economy as compared to pure
capitalism and socialism
Chapter 2: The Price System and the Theory of the Firm
1. Price elasticity of demand and how
it is being used to increase total revenue
Chapter 3: Government Intervention in the Price System
1. Comparison between the two types of
market failure e.g. public goods vs. merit goods and demerit goods vs. merit
goods. Careful in the way the question is being phrased. May confuse candidates
with the terms like private, external and social benefits or private, external
and social costs
2. Comparing two economic policies and
their relative effectiveness in increasing the production/ consumption of merit
goods or reducing the production/ consumption of demerit goods
What Will Most Likely Appear For Macroeconomics?
Chapter 4: International trade
1. Establishment of trading blocs,
their merits and demerits
2. Advantages and disadvantages of imposing
trade barriers
3. Principle of comparative advantage
and its limitations
Chapter 5: Theory and Measurement in the Macroeconomy
1. Difference between the Claimant Count
and Labour Force Survey (LFS) method of measuring unemployment. Also candidates
must know their respective limitations
2. List of factors that can influence
the size of a labour force and their productivity
3. The construction of CPI and what are
some of the problems
Chapter 6: Macroeconomic Problems
1. Knowing the difference between
demand-pull and cost-push inflation. Being aware that monetary inflation is
actually a form of demand-pull inflation and imported inflation is a kind of cost-push
inflation. Must also know factors that can influence all these inflations
2. Difference between anticipated and
unanticipated inflation
3. Factors that can cause the exchange
rate to fluctuate such as interest rate, inflation rate, speculative actions and
4. Which is more desirable for a
country? Currency appreciation or depreciation? Must know merits and demerits
for both
5. Comparing between two macroeconomic issues and which matters more to the government e.g. high inflation or large current account deficit, appreciation or high inflation, depreciation or worsening terms of trade and others
Chapter 7: Macroeconomic Policies
1. Comparing between
expenditure-dampening and expenditure-switching policies to fix the problem of
large current account deficit. Candidates can propose any policies under both
and must also know their general limitations
2. Comparing SPECIFICALLY two economic
policies to fix the problem of current account deficit e.g. tariffs vs. quota
or tariffs vs. currency devaluation etc
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