Some important facts of Unit 3: Business Economics
and Economics Efficiency:
a) Used
to be known as Unit 4: Industrial Economics. The previous specification
received numerous complaints. There were 10 MCQs, each with 5 options and also
a data response question which carries 40 marks. The problem is more questions
but lesser time. Just 1 hour 15 minutes
b) New
specification/ syllabus started in 2008 but the very first assessment commenced
from January 2010. Is now known as Unit 3: Business Economics and Economics
Efficiency. MCQs are cut short to just 8, each with 5 options to choose from.
Data response questions carry a grand total of 40 marks just like before. The
difference is, they are presented in a much organised way. Only 4 questions,
(a) to (d) and the marks are (4), (8), (12) and (16). Lesser questions but more
time. 1h 30 minutes
c) MCQs
under the new specification are increasingly challenging. Very application
based these days. It is no longer predictable like in the past (HOWEVER there are
few popular ones)
d) A
total of 10 marks can be expected, just from definition alone. Diagram whether
by annotation or self-drawn can attract up to 12 marks. Assuming that all 8
options are correct, candidates can easily secure 30/32 marks. Bear in mind
that this is yet to include written explanation as well as elimination of
incorrect answers. The point is that, if candidates master certain skills
attaining at least 27 marks is not a daunting task
e) Be
careful of several topics. They appeared with the highest frequencies e.g. shut
down point for a perfect market/ imperfect market firm, role of Competition
Commission, Game Theory to illustrate the outcome of collusive behavior and
also price war, Private Finance Initiative/ Public Private Partnership, theory
of cost and revenue as well as productive and allocative efficient
f) Perfect
market and monopolistic competition WILL NEVER be tested in Section B of data
response. There is nothing to ask from these two overly simplified business
models. Besides, it is quite difficult to find articles that support very small
scale businesses
g) Evaluation
starts from question (b) onwards and they carry the same weight as KAA. A total
of 18 marks are expected just for evaluations
h) Candidates
are advised to spend only about 55 minutes in this section. Ideally 60 minutes.
Some of the most popular data response questions:
11. Briefly
explain the form of integration described in lines 25-26 (4m). Identify e.g.
vertical integration (1m), define vertical integration (1m), identify whether
is backward or forward vertical by referring to Extract (2m)
22. What
does the information provided suggest is the market structure of the industry? (4m)
Explain your answer (4m). Identify oligopoly (1m), explain any one
characteristic/ define (1m), evidence e.g. calculation of concentration ratio
(2m). IN CASE, if you say monopoly (1m), define (1m), provide evidence from
Extract (2m)
33. With
reference to Extract 1, explain what is meant by patents/ anti-competitive behavior/
ECONOMIC TERMS/ KEYWORDS (4m). Define/ explain with your own words (2m),
evidence from extract (2m)
44. Examine
the likely reasons why Tesco made a loss. Use an appropriate cost and revenue
diagram to support your answer (8m). Diagram (2m) where correct shift (1m) and
area of profits/ loss clearly identified (1m). Reason but must relate to AC and
MC/ AR and MR (2m). Evaluations can be (4+0), (2+2) and(3+1)
55. Assess
why Thorntons is likely to sell its chocolates at a higher price in its retail
shops than through its website (8m). Explanations can be (4+0), (2+2), (3+1).
Evaluations can be (4+0), (2+2), (3+1). Some standard answers will be, higher
cost in one while lower cost in the other and price discrimination
66. Assess
the effectiveness of Competition Commission in regulating industries such as
the banking industry (8m). Define Competition Commission (1m), leaving KAA with
only (3m). If not, we adopt (4+0), (2+2), (3+1). The same goes for evaluations.
Standard approach will be, AGREE under the KAA. Bad publicity acts as
deterrent, loss of valuable human capital due to imprisonment, fine up to 10%
of total revenue is a reminded to other firms and able to force firms to sell
assets even if there is no merger. Standard evaluation e.g. asymmetric
information, takes up to 3 years to investigate and disrupt operations,
decisions can be challenged in High Court and rules are superseded by European
77. Discuss
the benefits of horizontal merger/ vertical/ conglomerate merger (12m). Define horizontal
merger (1m) which means remaining KAA (5m). If not, adopt (3+3), (2+2+2) and
(1+2+3). Standard answers are to reap greater EOS, more budget to do research,
leveraging on each other’s strength, lesser competition and so less wastages on
adverts etc. Standard evaluations are DEOS, clash of corporate culture, lack of
competition and do not do research etc
88. Assess
the case for increased competition within an industry (12m). Explain the
meaning of increased competition (1m) leaving KAA only (5m). If not can also
use (3+3), (2+2+2) and (1+2+3). Have many possible answers. Best is to
segregate them through impact onto consumers, producers, government and nation.
Answers like lower price and higher consumer surplus, better products as a
result of greater R&D, greater productive efficiency as a result of fierce
competition which has reduced TR etc. Standard evaluations would be e.g. no
longer enjoy EOS, pass on the higher price, more ‘misleading’ advertisements
which will cause greater asymmetric information, lower profits and cannot
conduct R&D. Break down is (3+3), (2+2+2) and (1+2+3)
99. To
what extent is the airline/ newspaper/ car industry contestable? (12m). Define
contestability (1m) leaving KAA marks for only (5m). If not (3+3), (2+2+2) and
(1+2+3). Always follow the traditional path by saying that oligopoly industry
is not contestable at all e.g. high start-up costs, major expenditure on
advertisements, significant EOS by existing rivals and limit pricing by large
firms. Evaluations can be (3+3), (2+2+2) and (1+2+3) where we argue for
the pricing and non pricing strategy that could be adopted to increase sales/
market share/ profits (16m). To increase sales or market share, candidates
cannot use profit maximisation and also cost-plus pricing. However, if the
question is on how to increase profits than these two points are valid. Some standard
answers are like predatory pricing, limit pricing, sales maximisation, revenue
maximisation, buy one free one, collusion, advertisement, celebrity
endorsement, enlarge range of products, improve quality, mergers and
acquisitions, loyalty schemes, coupons and others. Standard evaluations are
like predatory pricing is illegal and can attract fines, limit pricing better
and not so obvious, most likely to collude than compete through price war and
others. Breakdown is 8m for KAA and 8m for evaluations. Combinations are (4+4), (3+3+2), (2+2+2+2) or (4+2+1+1)
Please also do UNIT 2
ReplyDeleteThis has been very helpful, but do you know any recent cases which may be used in the data questions? Also how can I be more time efficient as even with the new spec I am still running out of time. I do the MCQ in about 3o mins leaving an hour for data but I can't seem to finish it.