What Is A Conclusion?
It is a piece of judgemental writing
which normally comes towards the end of an essay. It can also be seen as a
decision or final thought after an extended analysis or research. What this
means is that, students generally have to attach a weight to their opinions. I
strongly discourage candidates from writing a piece of conclusion that sounds
like a ‘bullet-list’ of all the points used up earlier. For an instance,
Sample 1:
In conclusion, the advantages of
tariffs are higher tax revenue, reducing current account deficit, protect jobs
and protect sunrise industries. Disadvantages are trade retaliation, distortion
to comparative advantage, loss of jobs in long run and violating WTO rules
Sample 2:
As conclusion, the advantages of
currency depreciation are higher growth, lower unemployment, and improvement of
government finances and the disadvantages are cost-push inflation, increase in
value of foreign debts and lower standard of living
As can be seen, they don’t sound
like a conclusion. They are more known as a SUMMARY
How to Write a Conclusion?
‘Pick a winner’
Sample 1
Between higher indirect tax onto
cigarettes and the complete ban of public smoking, it is argued that the former
is much more favourable. It creates a win-win situation for all stakeholders.
There is consumer sovereignty for smokers, higher tax revenue for government
and negative externalities get to be internalised
Sample 2
Between currency appreciation and
depreciation, it is argued that the latter is much more preferred. This can be
seen in the case of both developed and developing countries which have a
sizeable manufacturing sector. Only those countries with huge foreign debts may
prefer a rise in domestic currency
‘Both are losers’
Sample 1
In conclusion, both tariffs and
quotas are undesirable economic policies. Despite both have their own merits
and demerits, economic history such as the Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act 1929 had
proven that the long term damage is always far greater than the short term gain.
Protectionist measures in whatever way will lead to trade retaliations that
benefit no stakeholders at the end
Sample 2
In conclusion, both unstable
exchange rate and unstable inflation are perverse economic conditions and in no
way their existence has any merits. Their damaging effects cannot be considered
in isolation since both are inter-related. An unstable inflation usually leads
to an unstable exchange rate
‘Both are winners’
Sample 1
As a conclusion, both expenditure
dampening and expenditure switching policies are equally important to reduce the
size of current account deficit. They both work wonders if are combined
Sample 2
As can be seen, the social costs of
smoking far outweigh its private costs. Given that is the case, both indirect
taxation and ban of smoking in public areas have to be conducted simultaneously
to combat such habit
Good luck for tomorrow. Hopefully my advice helps. Cheers
Nice post! It's of a great help, thanks! I also follow the rules described here while writing a conclusion for an essay. It really helps ;)
Nice and informative blog. It contains some good tips in writing and planning essay questions.
I can definitely recommend a website that really helped me with my essay. I found out it was due the day before I had to submit it. Went into full-on panic mode. Worst experience of my senior year by far. It’s called WritePaper.Info. The quality of the writing is passable but the completion rate is super quick. You get to pick your own writer to do your stuff and that’s also a big bonus.
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